Thursday, August 13, 2009

Change Of A[d]Dress

I'm blogging a little earlier in the week than normal because I leave for vacation tomorrow. Husband and I are road-tripping out to Glacier National Park, via Badlands National Park, to spend some time in the great outdoors and celebrate husband completing grad school. I've got a post lined up for when I am gone describing my vacation project (because I simply cannot go on vacation without bringing my crafts with me). But in the meantime, I've got another dress to show off:

I'm really on a roll with these shirred dresses! Probably because you can whip one up in a couple hours, with minimal cutting and fussing, and you only need one and a half yards of fabric. I made this one a little longer than the first and added a slit along the back seam to give my legs more room than the 45 inches dictated by the fabric. Between how easy it was to make and the bold print, I'm really smitten with it!

1 comment:

  1. Girl your dresses rock the house!

    And I hope you guys have a great vacation! Relax and don't think about research/academia for a while! ;)
