Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wham, Bam, Thank You Ma'am!

I told you about my current Ysolda kick in my last post, so you should not be surprised that I have two more items of her design to show off today. The first one is the Icing Swirl Hat from the Whimsical Little Knits collection. It's made with chunky yarn, so it only took me a few hours of knitting and then I had a fun little hat to wear. I am so ready for Fall, it's not even funny.

My second item is actually a repeat of Ishbel, also from the Whimsical Little Knits collection. I consider her to be the sister of my first as it was done in the same yarn, but a different colorway. I think of her as the bolder, younger sister who is always getting into trouble. Not that I actually know a person like that...

While I was knitting these projects, I tried to think about why I like Ysolda's patterns so much and I came up with a few thoughts: (1) the designs are beautiful; (2) the knitting is challenging enough to be fun but not so complicated that you can't hold a conversation; (3) the patterns are logical and easy to follow. All of these things add up to give the most important quality of a great pattern, something that is as fun to wear as it is to knit. And that is exactly why I will be knitting more of Ysolda's patterns.

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