Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Confessions of a Knitter

This has not been the best knitting week for me. Not that it was a bad week (in fact it was quite a good week) but I don't have much good to report on the knitting front. For the first thing, I fell hard for the KnitPicks yarn sale. Like, a-whole-sweater's-worth-of-yarn hard. But since I've been coveting this fair-isle sweater pattern for years and the yarn for it wasn't even $30, I don't feel too bad about my actions (except the part where I told my husband what I had done).

My second admission is that I did not even knit a single stitch this week. My Mama Imp is still arm-less and face-less and no more stuffed than last week. I would feel more guilty about this fact if I hadn't just spent a long weekend looking at this:

'This' being the sun going down over Green Bay as viewed from a cabin in Door County, Wisconsin. DH and I spent 3 nights in Door County with my parents-in-law, siblings-in-law, and all of the significant others. It was a packed cabin, but a wonderful trip.

One of the best parts of the vacation was our day-trip to Washington Island, which is just off the tip of the pennisula and only reachable by ferry. The vistas were beautiful, the weather was fine, and the ferry ride was really fun. I even convinced everyone to make a stop at Sievers so I could ogle the fiber and weaving tools, which I think gains me back a little knitting cred.

So this week, I promise to be diligent in the knitting department and complete my required stitches. If only so I have awesome things to show to you on the blog next week!

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