Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Pattern Parade

Some exciting pattern collections have found their way into my home in the last month and they're definitely worth posting about on the blog. The first group includes both Whimsical Little Knits 3 (WLK3) and Saturday Treat, which should satisfy all of my readers who I've infected with Ysolda fever.

The two books focus on accessories such as scarves, hats, and mittens, though WLK3 has 9 patterns to Saturday Treat's 6. Each collection has a pattern that I can't wait to knit (Not-so-tiny slippers and Sherbet Lemon, respectively), though I personally prefer more of the Saturday Treat patterns. The two collections are currently available as book/ebook sets and not as individual patterns, so it may be worth waiting to buy if you only want a pattern or two from each collection.

My other new patterns come from indie sewing designer Colette patterns. Their patterns have a slightly vintage feel to them and, based on the photos from the Colette Flickr group, are very flattering to many types of figures. I've also read a bunch of reviews saying that their pattern instructions are very clear. Between these sewing patterns and my new Ysolda books, I am looking forward to a lot of happy crafting!

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