Wednesday, June 20, 2012


I spent all of last week driving up the west coast enjoying some vacation time with the husband before he moves to Milwaukee next month. It was great to have some time off together and to see friends who live in San Francisco and Seattle. One of those friends is the one I did the yarn swap with, so I was able to give her the Pogona shawl while I was there. In return, I got a Wingspan shawl made out of my yarn, which I love:

In addition to the Wingspan, I returned from the trip with a lot of great stuff, including this awesome hat I picked up in Berkeley, CA and some sheer polka-dot fabric that will look great as a blouse. Most notably, I returned home with over 1000 photos, a few of which I'm sharing here.

All in all it was a wonderful trip and I was happy to be able to relax and enjoy the scenery for a while. Now that I'm home, things are gearing up for the big move in a couple of weeks so wish me luck tackling my craft stash into boxes!


  1. beautiful pictures. Time away from it all...sounds heavenly! I am more than a little jealous.

  2. The yarn you helped me pick out when we were at Marble Head is for the Wingspan scarf. Hope mine turns out as nice!

  3. Mom-

    That was the first thing that came to mind actually. I'll be anxious to see how mine compares with your, as I have a feeling that they'll be pretty similar.


  4. Wow, looks beautiful! It must have been lovely!

  5. Thanks! It was a lovely trip, made even better by the fact that there was no schedule so we just did what looked interesting. I'll travel that way more in the future.
