Pinterest boards can be populated with photos from blogs, Flickr, Ravelry, or wherever else you like to hang out on the internet. When you find a photo you like, you simply click on the Pinterest-provided button in your browser, choose the board you're pinning to, provide a short description, and the photo goes up. Couldn't be simpler.
Beyond organizing your ideas on a given theme, the real strength of Pinterest is in sharing your pins and seeing all of your contact's pins. It's amazing to see the types of photos that inspire each person, from the quotes they choose to pin to the clothing or hairstyle photos they add to their boards. Some of the most inspiring things I've seen on Pinterest come from my contacts' pins (below).
The other Pinterest feature that I really like is being able to search photo descriptions across all users, like in the search I did below for 'terrarium'. If I have an idea in my head, I always find it helpful to see similar things that others have done. And believe me, all of these great terrarium photos are really fueling my creative inklings.
Finally, I should put in the disclaimer that Pinterest is a relatively new site, so it has a waiting list. You can either sign up for the waiting list (my wait on the list was about a week and a half) or a friend with a Pinterest account can send you an invite. I hope this small barrier to getting onto Pinterest will not keep you from enjoying this wonderful resource.
Wow!!! Awesome concept! I have to go check it out right this very minute....
Kirsten, I am totally desperate to get on to Pinterest. Any chance you could invite me? I have some FAB stuff to share and really NEED to get pinning!
Love the blog and stuff
Lucy (Lu and Miss Lu) of London
I'm sorry but I don't have any invites left to hand out. Why don't you try signing up for the waiting list? It's not terribly long, and you'll be on Pinterest in no time!
Awesome , I add you on my Pin
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