Things have been moving slowly here in craft-land. I'm all caught up in the end-of-the-semester rush and have been enjoying a few too many novels to have lots of knitting time. I did, however, find time to finish and start a few projects:
Ripple Afghan is finished. Actually, it's more of a lap-ghan due to the fact that I ran out of yarn. It is still quite useful and I really enjoyed falling into the rhythm of crochet. I have some pregnant friends who might be getting rippled baby blankets this summer.
Greensleeves Wrap from
Wrap Style has been frogged. I really liked the design on this, but I don't know if I will wear it as much as a regular sweater made out of the same yarn. Plus, reading a number of
EZ books has me inspired to try an EPS sweater.
I did have time to start a new project, some
Socks. I am using the main cable motif from the pattern, and working them toe-up instead of cuff-down. For yarn, I am using hand-spun Merino, in the Mardi Gras colorway from
Lisa Souza. My thickness is still a little uneven, but the socks are knitting up nicely.

Eventually, I hope to finish up my
T-Shirt quilt, though that is bound to take a lot of time this summer. And my mind is already racing will all sorts of great summer knitting projects!